Thursday, May 08, 2008

Go Speed, Go!

My all time fave is now hitting the big screen at last. As a kid growing up, I'd race home from school just to watch the Speed Racer cartoon and loved it. I liked all kinds of shows, but this is the one I really loved the most growing up. So from the past to the present, we'll look and see how Speed has changed over the years. Let's kick things off with the original show intro and theme song. Star Your Engines!

Years later, that theme would be cut up and mixed into a pretty cool dance mix. It was a must by for me to say the least, being a die hard fan of the show and loving high energy Techno tunes. Plus the crowds like hearing it played at the parties too. Moving on, the show was renewed so to speak. I've never really seen the new show, but the little bit of the graphics look OK from what I can tell. Not sure about the story lines on this one and I'll have to keep my eyes open if these show up on TV sometime now. Lets take a look at the new graphics and updated theme intro as we close in on the final turn.

I don't remember what movie I was at when I first saw this trailer, but I almost jumped up when I heard that all so familiar opening theme. Then to see the filming and treatment unfold had me looking forward to this release date. I'm a huge Speed Racer fan and this is a must see flick for me for sure. You never know what someone will do to shows like this, but I feel pretty good and expect it to be great. Enjoy the trailer if you haven't seen this one already.

I hope you liked seeing a little more about Speed, for those that don't know the history at least. Look around the TV shows, I'm guessing you'll see some of these old cartoons still out there if you look hard enough.

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