Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Let's do this, I pledge...

I hereby pledge my intent to write a 50,000-word novel in one month's time. By invoking an absurd, month-long deadline on such an enormous undertaking, I understand that notions of "craft," "brilliance," and "competency" are to be chucked right out of the window, where they will remain, ignored until they are retrieved for the editing process. I understand that I am a talented person, capable of heroic acts of creativity, and I will give myself enough time over the course of the next month to allow my innate gifts to come to the surface, unmolested by self doubt, self-criticism, and other acts of self-bullying.

During the month ahead, I realize that I will produce clunky dialogue, cliched characters, and deeply flawed plots. I agree that all of these things will be left in my rough draft, to be corrected and/or excised at a later point. I understand my right to withhold my manuscript from all readers until I deem it completed. I also acknowledge my right as author to substantially inflate both the quality of the rough draft and the rigors of the writing process should such inflation prove useful in garnering me respect and attention, or freedom from participation in onerous household chores.

I acknowledge that the month-long, 50,000-word deadline I set for myself is absolute and unchangeable, and that any failure to meet the deadline, or any effort on my part to move the deadline once the adventure has begun, will invite well deserved mockery from friends and family. I also acknowledge that, upon successful completion of the stated noveling objective, I am entitled to a period of gleeful celebration and revelry, the duration of which may preclude me for participating fully in workplace activities for days, if not weeks, afterward.


31st October 2007
Novel start date: 1st November 2007
Novel deadline: 30th November 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Magna Carta I & II, the fork in the Novel

They are really just my Likes & Dislikes, to help point me in the right direction and they come in the form of two lists called the Magna Cartas I & II.

Chris Baty's No Plot, No Problem book introduced the twin lists as a guide and after I created them I could review the lists during next months NaNoWriMo, through out the writing process.

This is just a reminder of things I enjoy to read and things I try to avoid and in doing this, I'll try and use some of the same items from Magna Carta I and steer clear of Magana Carta II this month. So let me start off with my Magna Carta I and some of the things I like in books.

Magna Carta I (Likes)
  1. Fantasy

  2. Magic

  3. Sci-Fi

  4. Complex Characters

  5. Humor

  6. Witty Banter

  7. Emotional situations

  8. Fast paced stories

  9. Lots of twists

  10. Surprises
Now for the things I really don't care for in books or the types of books in general I avoid all together.

Magna Carta II (Dislikes)

  1. Romance Novels

  2. Westerns Novels

  3. Extreme Gore

  4. Sexual Violence

  5. Racism or Sexism

  6. Very limited to hardly any dialog at all

  7. Flat & boring Characters

  8. Bad Stereotypes

  9. Slow paced stories
I have my general path to work on and the things I would like to try and include in my novel, as well as the things I should really avoid. I'm not saying that things on list one are always right or things on list two are always wrong. It's a choice I need to make and the things I need to remember and include or exclude. I'm sure Romance & Westerns are great, just not my kind of thing.

Things are starting to fall in place and I only have one last item to take care of. I'm sure he's watching and eager to speak his mind and try and put his twist on my story this month. I know he means well, but I'll need to sit him down and ask him for a favor and to really wait till I'm done. I'll let you know how that all goes next time... other than that, I'm ready to rock and roll this crazy thing.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Only Seven days til NaNoWriMo

I just finished reading Chris Baty's, No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days and I did this just in time, as I head into my first NaNoWriMo. Why on earth would someone think about doing such a thing? How about the high numbers of people thinking and wanting to write, only getting side tracked, stuck, and abandoning their child on the doorstep of things left unfinished.

So this exercise in creativity and sticking to a deadline, while writing a novel, is the answer to the problem. This month we will not leave our stories on the doorstep, we will push ourselves to complete the tasks, have fun along the way, and let our characters reveal the world inside and tell their stories.

Write fast and leave your Inner Editor behind, take a chance and let your characters try things and see what happens. In the end, you might be surprised at what you have and after a little break you can turn around and make changes and polish things up. Sounds like a crazy plan, but a plan for success if you ask me. With out the goals and deadlines, to many things will creep up and get in the way. Your imagination will fall into a slumber and the stories will die. Just like eating & drinking, you have to feed your stories on a regular basis and in truth its only a couple hours out of each day.

I had fun during Script Frenzy and reached the 20,000 words goal for a movie. I feel good about this project and I'm ready to take it head on. It's not about quality as much as quantity, but at the same time I think I'm capable of creating something fairly decent and look forward to completion and having something to edit afterwards.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Everything has its place

It's a good way to look at things and will hopefully help things feel right and make sense as I write my Novel next month. Were talking about the back story here. What? That's right just like it helps to have a feel of the world around us, its no different in writing a story to have an idea of the world and the characters the story will take place in.

So I came across a site with exercises to help with the creation of a fantasy world. It's a collection of 30 days and an exercise for each day. Upon completion, you should have a really firm grasp of what makes things tick in the land of your characters.

Here's my problem, I don't have 30 days here to do this. Sure, people will say our World was created in 7 days (actually 6 with a day of rest) or it was just a big bang. The exercises actually let me rest on day 30, but I still need to cram 29 exercises into 20 days or less. The world I make needs to be ready by the first of next month, I can't have it stewing and cooling off, I need to hit the ground running at the start and write. Otherwise my novel could just be a Big Bang.

If I really wanted to be impressive, I could spend a solid 7 hours and 15 minutes and have my world created all in one day. I think I'll try and shoot for 6 days and spend about an hour and 15 minutes and work on at least 5 exercises a day. Yes, this is all for fun too.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Free Your Mind

So the chorus goes... "Free your mind and the rest will follow" as sung by En Vouge on their March 24, 1992 Funky Divas album. This is the idea, more or less behind the free software download called Freemind.

It's known as Mind-mapping software and allows you to make a flow chart of your ideas for just about every project you can think of. Leonardo DaVinci pretty much developed this process to help him visually plan out things and make things easier.

I'm always a huge fan of stuff that is free an I hope to use this tool to plan my Novel out for this years NaNoWriMo event. I'm also looking at using a product called yWriter to help with the organization of my Novel as well.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

NaNo Oh No!

It's almost that time, time for me to start the great novel. My first novel, the one that will sell half a million copies and become the next Harry Potter and lead me down the path way of fame and fortune.

OK, not even close to half a million copies, not the next Harry Potter and no where near a path to fame and fortune. But it will be an adventure of sorts and a challenge to say the least.

From November 1st thorough the 30th, I'll slave away and let all of my creative thoughts take shape and build a world in the form of a Novel. The goal by the end of the month, to complete the 50,000 words required to win. What do you win, absolutely nothing... just the satisfaction of reaching the goal.

It's an exercise in meeting a deadline and trying to be creative and just write your heart out. It is no where near quality, but all about quantity. It's a rough draft at best and nothing more that that. In fact its not even really meant for someones eyes to read in this stage.

To learn more, visit the NaNoWriMo web site, but they have had their share of trouble so far. I just hope they'll figure it all out before the start. I can really use the support of all the other NaNoer's out there and don't want to deal with a slow sluggish web site. Here's hoping they'll get things fixed soon and wish me luck on my latest journey, heading down the path of a Novel Writer.

Friday, October 05, 2007

2, 4, 6, 8... Who do we appreciate

So today I over heard two moms talking about something and one of them said, "do they even wear skirts any more for cheering?" The mom replied, "no its all Hoochie outfits now!" :o Just like the High School Cheerleader pictured here it's shocking and true it seems. So being the father of a young daughter, I'm happy she's not wanting to be a cheerleader... at least so far she hasn't mentioned it at this young age. I also have a younger daughter following her older sisters footsteps, talk about double trouble. The High School Cheerleaders didn't look like that when I was going to school.

This crazy sport that starts out with very young girls and costs tons of money for these Lil darlings to cheer for a small peewee football team, where they more and likely don't even know someone on the football team. When I was growing up, I didn't even see a cheer leader until Junior High School. Cheering back then was the basic chants and claps of Fire Up! Now days its more about music and dance, all spurred on by the whole Bring It On movies.

Its funny how times have changed and how the normal Barbie dolls for girls are not enough. Now you have the Bratz and Flavas giving Barbie a run for the money and forcing her to lower her standards and sexy up her image. Not to mention the shows and music videos as well, its getting harder and harder to watch or listen to anything these days.

Don't get me wrong I'll be the first to say at a professional game, the girls on the sidelines are attractive to look at and fun to watch, but I'm not sure how much they really help my team win the game. OK, they keep the crowd fired up during breaks and time outs and perhaps that helps. But do we have to start our young ladies down this road?