Thursday, September 27, 2007

Who will ever see it

So it was 1967 when the Navy Barracks were built and for what ever reason, the plans turned out to be the symbol of a swastika. Whoops!

The response was, nobody will ever notice and see it from above. They never thought about a Satellite image from above or the fact that people from all over would access these images for free over the Internet.

What most people don't know is that the symbol itself has been around for ages and represents a lot of good things. It wasn't until the Nazi party took the symbol and it would for ever be tied to the negative association here after.

The Navy is about to spend $600,000 dollars to change the layout of the Coronado, California facility in order to make sure people can't see it from above. It's ironic that it was built and perhaps nobody noticed or thought about it or perhaps it was just bad luck. Perhaps it was just bad luck the Nazi party selected the image in the first place to begin with.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's a gamble

I was playing small and taking tiny risks is all. I like betting on red or black most of the time. I'll play odd or even and some of the other areas like 1-12 and so on. The table was a $25 to $1000 table and I had just started.

So I'd build up a bit and then lose and build up and lose. Then I started winning and managed to be up a few thousand and it was time to make my move. You got to bet big, to win big and I was going to capture my corner with my next bet.

I placed $1000 on 5-6-8-9 and it was time for the ball to make is way around. No going back from here, the deed was done. The ball drops and starts bouncing around, hip on hop all over the place and it final lands. I'm watching the wheel move around and looking for the number.

It was 8 and my loan chip was no longer lonely, paying out a nice 8-1 odds. I'd jump up an extra $8,000 to add to my wins. I was my single chance at placing a big bet, none of this $1 to $5 bets, I was playing large. All in all it was a fun night at the 911 Appreciation event and the winning chips would be converted to tickets for door prize drawings. If only I could have been lucky in that area. Better yet, I wish it was real money. Real money I could afford to risk and better yet, real money I could stand to win.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Are you ready for Football?

The league is open for business at last. Pretty much a total league overhaul with only two of us returning for years past and a whole new cast of coaches with dreams of victory and claiming the rewards.

The cost of ownership has not only gone up, but the league has set rules and fees in place to help raise money and provide higher payouts to teams that make it to the final game.

So you better hope you picked the right match, cause if you look to pick up players, its going to cost you and if you think about making a trade, better be prepared to pay for signing bonuses to the league as well. It's all about the money and love of the game.

Paladins look at another league
I've decided to look at another league this year and will see about running two teams. In the new league I've setup the ownership and will have my players drafted for me in the new league. It's not something I normally do, I like the research and be apart of the draft selection process.

This is a new league and new way of doing things is what I keep telling myself. The only thing I've really done, is provided a listing of positions I'd like for each round. It could back fire on me, in a real draft, its possible to switch if you feel a running back is not the best move and taking a wide receiver would be best. I'll see how things turn out and if I like giving up that control.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

2 year milestone reached

Wow, I made it finally... I went two whole years with out drinking a soda. I'm talking about your major Soda in a can, bottle, or fountain drink... I use to drink them like water, glass after glass on a daily basis and then I decided to just give them up.

It's something I've done from time to time and my longest stretch before now was a year. Now I need to decide if I plan to do it all over again and should I just go for 3 years or do I need to double and go for 4 years. Crazy to think about not having a Soda in 4 years. They are pretty evil and something I can do with out, its just bad how wide spread they are. You know if I went to a restaurant and they treated them like Beer and made me pay for each, I know I'd drink a lot less of them.

If I decide to try and go for 3 or 4 years, I plan to start at the first of the year. Maybe it will be easy and my body will hate the taste of them. Then again, I so loved Dr Pepper, could it have changed that much?