Sunday, October 26, 2008

Publishing my first Novel

In about six months I'll have my first Novel published. No I haven't been signed by anyone to have it marketed and published on a large scale.

Last year I wrote my first Novel as an exercise to see if I could come up with something and actually like doing this. It was a fun to create a world and story filled with characters. It was also nice to reach my goal in the end and more or less win NaNoWriMo 2007.

The only things you have to do in order to win is start on November 1st and finish by the end of the month. Oh and make sure you wrote 50,000 words too. Its not quality as much as quantity and its on the honor system. So if you want your story to say the same word over an over you can, but its not going to be as satisfying in the end.

What does all this have to do with getting published though, well it was announced that the winners of NaNoWriMo 2007 would have a free proof copy published by Createspace, a partner of Amazon.Com. So after I finish my 2008 NaNoWriMo, I'll move into some rewrites and polish up last years in order to send it off for a very limited printing of 1 copy for now at least.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Young writers

Well tonight I helped my daughter with her first creative writing assignment. Granted she is 7 and in 2nd grade here, but still was an assignment for her to use her mind and create a character and setting for that character.

It was fun to try and explain to her what is was to write something and work on a project like this. Even though it was very short an simple and perhaps will not have a sequel, it was fun and I can only hope she will continue to enjoy reading and perhaps find that writing is a lot of fun too.

I'm looking ahead at the 2008 NaNoWriMo now and looking forward to writing again myself. It's a lot to try and create a story and characters, but for me its rewarding as well and fun to see something, even in need of rewrites and more polish to it and to know I created that world and story, filled with the lives of characters and let actions take hold and bring them to some final ending or at least for this particular story.

A lot has happened to me in the time that has past since last years NaNoWriMo. Things never get easier and I'll always have something to do, the point is to make time and write daily and let the story come out. Its what I did last time and what I'll attempt to do again. The clock is ticking and my next book is calling me... November 1st will be here before I know it now.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

May the Force Be With Them

This Friday night on the Cartoon Network is the Premiere of the Star Wars Clone Wars and I'm looking forward to this title and seeing what they will do with it. I saw the movie about a month ago and was entertained pretty much. Although I did feel some of the subject matter was a bit strong for some little ones.

Just the same, I liked it enough to plan on DVR'n the show and watching them at home at my leisure. I'm a big Star Wars fan and that is pretty much a given that I'd check it out. For the most part I think its been getting some pretty good reviews and feedback as well. Check out the Cartoon Network this Friday at 9pm est.