Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Looking Back at 2007

A couple of the things I'm really proud of from 2007 come in the area of my writing. The creative side in me and the desire to write more was put to the test this past year and I'm happy to say I had a blast taking part in two writing contests this past year. The first was a 20,000 word Movie Screen Play. I used ScriptFrenzy as a warm up towards my final goal of writing a 50,000 word Novel for NaNoWriMo. I'm proud to say I stuck with my goals and refused to give up.
I had a number of other goals outlined, some I met and some will have to show back up on my list of things for 2008. Continuing my writing will be on my list, as its a new passion I've released and I want to continue learning and improving in that area. One goal for sure is to polish my first novel and have it printed in a book form, so I'll spend a good portion of 2008 in edits and rewrites, my goal is to try and have the book finished and printed before the 2008 NaNoWriMo contest kicks off.

April will mark the start of the 2008 ScriptFrenzy, I'm glad this was pushed back, it was really tough to do this with my World Show duties this past summer. I don't really plan to send my scripts into anything at this stage, its more of an exercise to keep me writing and on task. Its the goals that help in this process of writing.

More on my goals for 2008 will come later in my blogs or my new podcasts that I plan to start this year. Till then I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and if you set some goals, reach for them and stick to them, it feels good when you reach them.

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