Tuesday, August 09, 2005

OK, I've blogged Now what...

Everybody is doing it...
come on, you know you want too...

Looking back to the first time I got online an started learning about the web. I knew that it was an area I wanted to be a part of. It's interesting how things started out and people started making personal web pages and how over the past 10 years for myself the web has changed. Blogging is a lot of ways like the early days of sharring this information with friends, family, and the world. Its really cool how easy that has become for people. Here's a story on blogs from the real creator of the World Wide Web.

Berners-Lee on the read/write web
In August 1991, Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the first website. Fourteen years on, he tells BBC Newsnight's Mark Lawson how blogging is closer to his original idea about a read/write web.

Happy Bloggin,


1 comment:

EL COCONUT said...

Nice! But yeah, now what?