Saturday, November 17, 2007

McD's Wi-Fi via ATT

So I'm trying to catch up on my writing for the book and we needed to Eat as well. My wife checked into Mc Donalds and their Wi-Fi and as part of our service with ATT, we are allowed to connect at their locations via Wi-Fi. Cool!

So we brought a laptop with us and I was able to connect, check on some facts and write away. All at the same time with the family. The girls had a blast running and playing and I could still get a little bit of work done. At this stage, any extra time I can get some writing done, then all the better for me.
I'm about 4079 words off and looking at a day or two of some Hard Core writing. I know with the Holidays coming up, I'll have a little time from work and will have to see what writing I can get in.

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