Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm a Power Watcher...

When it comes to entertainment for TV and movies, I'm a power watcher. So what is a power watcher exactly? Someone that can sit and knock out a barrage of Shows in one sitting. I started doing this about 5 years ago with the HBO series Sex in the City, and at the time my wife was pregnant. We had stopped in at Blockbuster and picked up season 1 on DVD and started watching.

This was the first time we had really sat down an watched about 5 or 6 shows in one night for a particular series. These were 30 minute shows and sitting down and watching them back to back was about 3 hours and the length of a long movie. So over the weekend we easily knocked out the whole 1 season at once.

Now this is something that I've done with most of the HBO shows, by renting them or getting copies from a friend who would record them and pass them on. I've also done the same with Alias on DVD, after a friend bought season 1, 2, and 3 on DVD. We went through them so fast, that I ended up watching season 3 first before him and had to wait for him to catch up inorder to talk about the shows.

Now that I'm all caught up I record the shows on Tivo and watch it along with most of the fans. But I still power watch with other shows like season 1 of Desperate Housewives and should have it knocked out in a week or so and can start on the recordings of season 2 soon.

But with the amount of programs that run during the week, if it was not for Tivo, I would not have a chance to see most of the shows airing these days. The best part is zipping past the commercials. The funny thing is even my daughters shows take advantage of Tivo and I don't think she'll ever really know what life was like before Tivo.

I enjoy watching DVD shows this way, but the real challenge is avoiding the media and other outlets that might let something slip. As long as I stay away from stuff like that, then I can watch a show and keep going and not have to wait for next weeks show and in some case, you want to go on when a cliff hanger is involved.

With Tivo, I might not watch the show right away, in most cases the shows I like are not something for my daughter to see or my wife does not care for them. So I can save them up and watch them a day or two later on my time and still spend time with my family. Most of my power watching takes place late at night or early mornings on the weekends.

With Netflix, I'm finding myself going back and seeing some shows that I missed and giving them a try again. Its nice to seem them as a whole and with out commercials, plus a lot of extra features are available on the DVDs too.

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