Monday, January 16, 2006

The Program begins

Time to go full force now with the getting is shape for 2006. The National Body Challenge has started and its time to commit to eating right and working out. I've started early as of the first of the year, well even a bit before that with dropping all sodas at the first of September 2005.

I'm planning on walking at least 4 days of the week during lunch at work. I eat my light lunch and spend my time walking around the building for 30 to 45 minutes at a nice pace. I can make about 4 to 7 complete trips around during this time.

So far I've made it to 4 Tai Chi sessions in a row now (twice a week) and find it a nice work out as well as very relaxing. Plans have come up this week and I'll miss one of my sessions for this week. I guess it says something if I'm a little bummed out about missing the class.

My goal is to keep up the classes, keep up the walking at work, increase my workouts during the evening times, and watch what I eat. Pretty much moving more and eating less and with a goal of dropping the pounds.

The Hard part will come later in the year, finding a way to keep up some of the routine during this years World Championship Paint Horse Show. I'm just not sure how I'll get my work outs in during this time. Once the show is over, I need to make sure I get back into the routine of working out again. I'll keep things updated here as I progress over the next few months as well as blog on other subjects that come to mind.

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