Tuesday, January 31, 2006

One down Eleven more to go...

January is now in the books and time sure has flown on by. So I'm a good month into my program and I've only lost 10 pounds so far. Its not too bad, but I need to step up the workouts, start doing more weights, and watch what I eat more.

My lunch times at work involve walking around the building for about 20 - 45 minutes each day. The way I see it, that's 20 - 45 minutes I'd normally be sitting on my ass. I can still try and make it to the club after work and I'll already be about 20 - 45 minutes ahead on my daily workout.

It feels good getting out and moving around some each day. Nathan (a friend an co-worker) has even started walking at the same time and it sure beats me walking and talking to myself. I'm also limiting my going out to lunch to no more than once a week. Saves money and allows me to keep up the daily walking.

Soccer Champs return
I find it hard to step away from the game and so I've decided to at least return for one more season. I have the new baby coming in about 9 weeks now and towards the end of June the APHA World Show kicks back up and will take up a huge portion of my time. I'll have to take it one game at a time, but for now I'm back for at least this season. We played our first game this past sunday and came away with a tie. Should be a good season for us, this week we have a bye week due to the Super Bowl game.

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