Sunday, September 02, 2007

2 year milestone reached

Wow, I made it finally... I went two whole years with out drinking a soda. I'm talking about your major Soda in a can, bottle, or fountain drink... I use to drink them like water, glass after glass on a daily basis and then I decided to just give them up.

It's something I've done from time to time and my longest stretch before now was a year. Now I need to decide if I plan to do it all over again and should I just go for 3 years or do I need to double and go for 4 years. Crazy to think about not having a Soda in 4 years. They are pretty evil and something I can do with out, its just bad how wide spread they are. You know if I went to a restaurant and they treated them like Beer and made me pay for each, I know I'd drink a lot less of them.

If I decide to try and go for 3 or 4 years, I plan to start at the first of the year. Maybe it will be easy and my body will hate the taste of them. Then again, I so loved Dr Pepper, could it have changed that much?

1 comment:

EL COCONUT said...

You do understand though, that energy drinks (ex. Monster, Rockstar, etc...) contain nearly double the contents that you are trying to avoid in your everyday soft drinks don't you? ;)