Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a past week here

Wow its been sometime for me to write on my blog. I was looking back at the numbers and last year appeared to be my lowest number of writings for my personal blog. On the other side of things I did turn out some stuff on my personal game blog and wrote quite a bit for RejectedGamer.Com as well.

I'll have to see what I can do to pick up and write a bit more here on my personal blog and get my numbers back up. So what's new with me? Staying busy as ever, which is a good thing I think. We just came off one of the biggest Snow Storms I've ever seen here in Texas, about a foot of snow when all was said and done I think. The last time it snowed anywhere close to this... well I wasn't even born then.

The weather did manage to knock out our power for about 3 full days and it had us staying away from the home with other family. At least it didn't really Ice here, that's what we normally get here in Texas. A nice thick sheet of ice and the people around here can't drive on this stuff. Shoot, people can't even drive here when it rains sometimes.

Well I just saw the latest weather report and it looks like we might have more snow coming again. This last batch has finally melted all away and we might get more snow now. I'm just not sure I want another foot of snow, but I'll take it over the ice any day.

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