Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm for Kinky

Election Day is here and it's my right to cast a vote. So today I've made my selection for Richard "Kinky" Freidman. I think he's just what the state needs for a change. Sure he might not know it all, but sometimes I wonder what the others know to tell the truth. Maybe its time to send a message that Texas wants a change and it's not going to be only a two party system.

Seems to me the Governor is going to be the one to help lead and I for one like Kinky's style on the subject. So what if is doesn't know Politics, something tells me he's smart enough to hire some people to help him out and get the job done.

So standing in line I had my mind made up and I sure enjoyed the older guy coming out when asked, "Did you vote twice for Governor?" He replied, "I think one vote for Kinky is enough!" Makes me think perhaps a shocker could take place today.

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