We've done what they call a soft launch of sorts and told a few people here or there over the past few weeks. Just wanted to keep it quite a bit during the early stages and it does get a little hard to explain taking off every month for a doctors visit. Yeah I like to go along for the visits and did the same with our first. So for those who did not know the news, here you go I'm going to be Daddy again.
To peek or not to peek is the question. With our first baby and they way Edith and I thought about finding out, was we did not want to know the outcome (boy or girl) and wanted it to be a surprise. I can only say, that it was the best feeling in the world to be there at the birth and wait to see. We knew it was a baby and for the most part healthy, but was it a girl or a boy, would be the surprise ending.
For us, the thought of hearing your going to have this or that and waiting for many months did not seem like fun. We've also heard the stories of how someone heard it would be a girl and they take the boy home wearing Pink or the other way around. In many cases, the outcome could be exactly as they say and a small chance of being wrong exists. For us its not so much that it could be wrong, its more of a feeling we have in waiting.
Our daughter was over due and we had to induce to get things going. I remember seeing the head and thinking, "This is a big baby and I'm guessing its a boy" and to my surprise it was a healthy baby girl. Pretty much got what I wished for and a proud moment in my life. The next step was the reveal and announcement of the name.
This is another area we like to have fun with. Pretty much drives family and friends crazy that we don't want to know the outcome and we say that we don't like to read the end of the book first. On the same note, when it comes to names, we discuss and pretty much pick the name for a girl and boy out, but we do not reveal the name till the birth. The name is something we both love and feel is right and at the right time is when the introduction is made. We did not even reveal what the boys name would have been, keeping it a secret until the next birth, that's not say we will not change our minds.
So check back around the end of March or first of April and we'll have an announcement at that time. If it drives you crazy wanting to know, sorry and its just part of the fun for us.
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