Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fall Movies here at last

This week the release of Harry Potter Goblet of Fire has finally arrived. I have a feeling that this will be the best of all the movies so far to date. I'm a huge fan of the books, thanks to my wife's introduction of the series and me wanting to see what kept her reading solid hour after hour.

I know that nothing will compare to reading the books and I recommend that you read the books to really enjoy the stories. Just the same, I'm looking forward to this movie and future movies as well as the last book of the series.

Each movie has been visually entertaining and for the most part they've done a good job in telling the story. Some things have been cut or moved in the order of things. My guess is to save time in most cases, since the books are so long it would take about 4 to 6 hours to cover everything. That is what makes the books so good I guess.

Next month will be the release of C. S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and I've been reading that series now and really enjoy the story line. I vaguely remember seeing an animated version of the story as a kid and I've really loved the book and from what I've seen and heard about this movie so far, I think it is a must see for sure and can not wait.

More and likely this will be the last two movies I see for the 2005 season. I could be wrong and something else might sneak in before the year is out, but these will be must see movies as soon as they come out.

The Polar Express on DVD is a must buy for me this year and should be out in about a week I think. I love the Christmas holidays and have read this story to my daughter about this time every year up till Christmas day. We went and saw this in the theathers and I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to all the extras and seating down with my daughter and watching this one and reading the book.

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