My parents had some old 45s and for those of you that are clueless, that is a very small record, much like an LP or Album as they were called. The 45s had an A side and a B side with a song on each side for the most part. Since most of these 45s are from artists of the 50's and 60's time, you could get by chance two songs on one side at times, but normally it was one song, a Hit song and then something on the B side.
So I grew up listening to groups from the 50's and 60's that my parents really loved. It just so happens the Beatles was one of the groups and something that I started listening to in the very early 70's, sadly I had no idea that the band had in broke up at the time I started liking them. Still it was great music and fun growing up and learning more about them.
So this past Sunday I saw one of the only two Beatles left a live perform live and it was the best I could ask for in a show. To see a member of the Beatles perform songs I grew up to was amazing. He played just about every Beatle song I wanted to hear live and it brought back memories of the old 45's, in fact he even joked on stage about the crackle sounds the old albums made.
I've seen so many concerts, not as many as my buddy who invited me, but for me this was the perfect show and nothing could compare to it. Was it better lights or sounds than another artists show, not at all, but then again the other artist was not the first one to introduce music to me or Rock-n-Roll for the fact. I still would like to see some other artists perform and I'm sure I'll enjoy their shows, but I can really say I've seen my favorite and best show at last.
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