Once you break the habits and start new habits its really easy. I've been here and done some stuff like this before to tell you the truth. Cutting sodas out all together can be done and after you make it through the first week, it gets easier for the following weeks.
For me its most of the other stuff I'm cutting out that seems to be harder right now. For example a simple glass of milk. Ok I love to chase it with a cookie at times or the other way around. But a simple bowl of cereal and milk is not allowed right now. Same goes for a warm bowl of Oatmeal in the morning. After a week though I'll be fine and not even miss it.
See right now my body is telling me it wants more food, but I'm training it to eat healthier and less. So its starting to burn off some of the fat and that is when you feel that little sign from below that it wants more.
Trouble is that sign then says, I'd like to have a cookie or something sweet. You just have to break that chain of thinking and after a week of eating the other stuff and building the habit of health eating, it will start to get better and you'll not even miss the other stuff.
I only hope at the end of the program I can reintroduce a few things and in a smart way of course and don't find that I don't care for a glass of milk. But we are not anywhere near that stage here and have a lot more to go. I mean its only day two and we still need to reach at least day seven I'd say.
I'm confident that I can make it happen though and I'll make it through this week and keep heading towards the twelfth week.
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