This time around I'm looking at a new diet plan by Dr Cohen's called 1st Personal Diet. So what's so different about this diet? Do you have to eat all meat or count calories? Nope! I just have to eat regular food and the same stuff you buy at the local stores. No crazy pre-packaged meals or funny shake drinks to be on this diet at all.
This diet is built off my personal blood work though. I went to a lab and gave some blood and based on those results, they tell me what kinds of foods and how much of each to eat per meal. The next step is to then work on eating only these certain types of foods for the three meals per each day and I can also have some crackers (7 @ 5.85 g) and fruits (3) between meals as snacks.
The kicker... oh yes, every diet plan has a kicker now. You have to weigh out a certain portion of your food before cooking or prepping it. We are talking about raw item weights here and that makes up your meal totals. Who knows what the calories are, that's not important here. Its only eating these certain amounts of Meals 1, 2, and 3 for each day.
Now each persons personal diet is suppose to be different, its based on their blood work and all the stuff that shows up inside it. So what I'm suppose to eat and what amounts will not work for YOU. I mean sure it might help you drop the weight and I'm willing to bet it surely will, but you might need to eat different types of foods and certainly different amounts to do this the right way.
Heck, anyone can play their own version of Survivor Island and only eat rice for each meal and drop a lot of weight (no rice for me). In other words, its not about starving yourself and dropping the weight fast with this plan. It's about dropping the weight safely and by eating only certain foods and amounts and then later you'll switch into a re-feeding phase to help introduce other foods back and keep the weight off (See you in 12 weeks).
Well what about exercise? You pretty much don't have to do that really, in fact you should do what you did before you went on the diet an keep that up. So that means I can sit around quite a bit I suppose. The problem is if you go on this diet and start to work out, your going to burn off stuff on both sides here, from eating and working out and this can mess things up quick. If you work out normally, then keep doing just as you are doing and follow the plan.
During the plan, which is all online as far as support goes, you'll track your progress every 4 weeks and they'll monitor and perhaps adjust things. So if I start this and begin a heavy session of working out as well, I'll more and likely burn off to much, to fast, and not have enough Food to keep me going. So I plan to just make the food and eat the food for now.
Am I pumped and excited about this new diet plan? Yes and No. I'll do it and make it work, but the truth is I couldn't have picked a worse time of the year to start this Damn Diet. Oh, but it never would be a perfect time, wrong. For me, this is the time of the year I like the most, its the Fall and its a time that the family gets together even more and over the holidays we eat some pretty good stuff as well (not healty really). So I've picked the Fall & Holidays it seems to do this... simply a brilliant idea I have to say.
So I'll get to make my simple Meals 1, 2, and 3 for each day that total in at about 240 g (.50 lbs of food) for each meal. Remember its only certain types of food, so I can't weight out the Turkey & Dressing and then chase it with a slice of Pecan Pie. No, I can only cook and prep the right amounts foods and based on my personal diet plan for selected items. For some reason, I'm just not looking forward to Thanks Giving at all this year.
You know how it feels to bring a lunch to work and a co-worker pulls out a slice of Pizza that smells oh so good and you only have a sandwich to eat? That's what it will be like for me these Holidays, they might as well be eating Pizza.
What's up for this weekend? The Family is gathering to celebrate my brother-in-laws Birthday and will be having a seafood boil. I'm not sure what I'm eating just yet, but I know what it will weigh to start with.
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