The hardest thing for me on this diet had to be giving up all the sweets and I mean all of them. Not a single piece of Candy, Cookie, Cake, or whatever treat you could imagine this time of year. I'm talking zero tolerance here now. But its all worth it in the end and this diet program really worked. Amazing to eat just what they said I should and not even work out at all. The pounds just fell off during the 12 weeks I was on this and my clothes are falling off as well.
So I dodged all of the Halloween Candies and I managed to avoid all the Thanksgiving Pies. Last week was really hard to resist the Chocolate Cake. I could smell the sugar as I sat close by, but I kept myself from pouncing and taking a bite of that forbidden desert. But I remained strong and reached my 12 week goal.
That brings us to Christmas Eve and that means a tradition is coming for me that I will not break. I always watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and pour myself a nice glass of Egg Nog to enjoy. So to celebrate my reaching my goal of a new lesser me in the weight area. I'll have a tiny glass of Egg Nog tonight and I'll still enjoy my movie. I've got a lot to be thankful for this year in the end and I think I can allow myself this little bit in the cheating area now.

My New Years resolution for 2011 is to remain skinny, stay healthy and be the best super model I can be. Thanks family for all the support and praise you've given me.
DORGAS MANOLO!!1!11!11!!!11
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