So... it is the iPhone and pretty much everybody has one these days. I'm not here to sing its praises or put it on a pedestal as the greatest device ever made and just the same, I'm not here to slam it and point out any of its faults.
What I will say is that I'm not an iPhone user and if that makes you feel its time to stop reading here and move on, then I thank you for stopping on by. I will share that I'm a Windows Mobile user and that I'm looking forward to their upcoming release of the new Windows Phone 7 for those of you that are curious and have decided to stick around a bit more.
Ok, back to the iPhone now. I've seen a few of these up close and played around with them a bit at times. So I've had some very minor hands on time with the device at least. I'm not going to give any reviews, having so little hands on time... it wouldn't be fair at all. I can say I think its a very slick device and perhaps easily the best Smart Phone out on the market to date. I haven't really messed with the Androids yet either.
What I wanted to find out though, was what people using the iPhone thought of it and I decided to ask a few of my friends and co-workers, that are iPhone users, what they enjoyed the most about their iPhones and limit their responses to only Top 5. Keep in mind there is no right or wrong answers here and its a matter of opinion of those being polled.
I was pleasantly surprised with the results and how people picked just about the same things about their iPhones. I decided to post the top 10 over all features. As you can see we did have some features they came in and tied. I did cut off some after we reached 10. Sorry the feature, "It Is the iPhone" did not make the official top 10.
Email -6
GPS -5
Calendars -4
Web Browser -3
Ease of Use -3
Instant Messaging -3
All the Apps -3
Size of Screen -2
Camera / HD Video -2
Music / Movies -2
Email -6
GPS -5
Calendars -4
Web Browser -3
Ease of Use -3
Instant Messaging -3
All the Apps -3
Size of Screen -2
Camera / HD Video -2
Music / Movies -2
I figure, if you asked every iPhone user to make a list of their top 5 things, that they loved about their iPhones, we would more and likely see a lot of the same results. I think this means that Apple has built a pretty solid device here and it has huge appeal for a lot of the same features. It does what it does, all in one device and its a phone.
Do other devices do the same things? Sure a lot of them will do the same and just as good or perhaps falling a bit short. While others might do a few things even better or in the future have a chance to do things better. What this all boils down to in the very end is does the device do what You want it to do and works well for You?
If the device has the features you love and enjoy and works well, then I'd say its done its job and speaks to You in the end. If it doesn't, then you simply need to look for something else that meets your specifications and works well for you.
Could I be happy with the iPhone? I'm sure its possible and a lot of the things people selected would appeal to me as well. The main reason I don't own an iPhone was the price to start with and that it was only available on AT&T; I'm locked in with Verizon and just don't see leaving them anytime soon myself.
Can I find something out there that I'll enjoy and love in a Smart Phone? Yeah I think its possible and I think that could be this fall for me. Will it over take the iPhone? I think that will be a huge undertaking for sure, but I think it will gain market share and will be very different than a lot of the phones currently out on the market to date. In the end, this new WP7 device speaks to Me and its why I'm looking forward to it.
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