Monday, September 01, 2008

Thumbs up for Support so far

Well in most cases I have to say the Customer Service and Support has been really great. Top notch so far. I still have my audio problem to deal with, but they've gone ahead and given me a free month of the HD services and upgraded us to the U300 package for free over the next 6 months.

They were suppose to come out over the weekend and look at something and missed the window. I wasn't upset really though, I don't think they would have really fixed anything with that visit. The audio fix only will come from the new Cisco 330 or 430 boxes, to the best of my knowledge at least.

In the meantime, I so love VoD and the extra movies available at this point. We can select from Starz, Encore, Flix, Showtime, and the Movie Channel on demand libraries at this time and watch what ever they have on their regular broadcasts channels. I tell you Video on Demand is pretty cool to see and experience.

It's not super quality, but its not bad at all and it really works well from my experiences so far. So a lot of movies I've missed or thought about watching are showing up. Somethings really old and some fairly new. Was awesome last night when my brother came over and I could set the kids up in the bedroom to watch Underdog, something they haven't seen at home. Just a simple click of the remote and the movie began, just add popcorn and we were able to control the living room for our entertainment needs.

As for the audio issues, I have to remain on top of things and keep after them for the new boxes. I also need to keep checking in on Home DVR or at least I think that is what they call it. We should have the ability to watch recorded programs from the DVR back in the bedroom at some point. All in all, the Uverse service has been pretty good and I'm fairly happy about it all.

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