The Associated Press reports that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin has recently told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "
task that is from God."
Its statements like this that don't really sit well with me. For someone to firmly state that God is telling us to fight in a War sounds crazy to put it nicely. She also feels that God wants us to have a Natural Gas Line setup in Alaska and that we should pray for that as well.
"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."
Another area that doesn't sit well was her ties with the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants to allow Alaska the right to vote on whether Alaska should have the right to leave the Union and become its own Nation.
It's been said that she use to be a member of the AkIP and the Wasilla Assembly of God, but she has recently recorded messages for the
AkIP convention and spoke at her old church, so she still has some of these ties in place.
Then you have the Troopergate issues as its being called and her questionable use of power to have an ex-brother-in-law fired because of a messy divorce to her sister. I'm sorry it just seems like a closer look should take place on her being in the role of VP if you were to ask me.
Maybe I'm over reacting, I mean she's only going to be the VP right? Will she be in a position of that much power to worry? The President will have full control and its not like the VP really does anything, or at least she doesn't know what a VP does.
Still I can't help but think McCain really picked the wrong person to be his second. Now I think he has to stick with the one he's brought to the dance. We'll have to see how things go over the debates and next few weeks. For now, I'm not impressed at all with what is going on in the Republican Camp.