It ties into my Yahoo Fantasy Football and all I had to do was sign up with my Uverse account. Small issue is I've used the same Yahoo ID for so long and they keep track of stats year after year, I didn't want to loose that. So I found another feature under Yahoo Fantasy for co-manager of a team.
A few clicks and I set up my other login as a co-manager now. I guess I can spend the time and blame any losses this year on my co-manager, right? Hopefully this will make things a little more enjoyable and I'll have to see how well it works or what all I can do via Uverse.
On another note, we are expecting them to swap out the HD box tomorrow. It appears that an issue with digital audio for 5.1 surround and it causes you to loose connection and drops audio when ever it wants. Not enjoyable at all, they have a newer box and think that this might fix the issue. I'll loose a few shows, but at least its just over a week and mainly kid shows.
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