Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th from the Show

Number 8 for me now here at the World Show, that is 8 Fourth of July's in a row that I've spent here working for APHA and away from my family. I guess in some ways APHA can be like a family though, we spend so many, many hours working together through out the year, you can't help but get a little close to your co-workers.

Just the same, the show must go on and most of the time the classes don't end in time to run out and see Fire Works. We normally have an entertainment act at least, like the Freedom Riders I photographed in 2006. If I'm lucky I can run out as soon as I hear the fireworks go off and see a little of that from the John Justin Arena.

I at least can look up if I'm lucky and think that my family is some place safe and watching Fire Works and I'll be home soon to at least to kiss them good night and catch a little rest before I go back to do it all over again. This year I'll be thinking about my family and my APHA family, those that are here with us and those that are away from us. Be safe now and everyone have a happy Fourth of July.


Anonymous said...

Did you happen to get any photos of the Lone Star Cowgirls' performances on July 4th or 5th? Thanks!

robowerks said...

I'm sorry I don't, that was something I was not aware of happening and did not make it over on those dates. I wish they had let me know about special acts a little more.

Anonymous said...

Okey-doke - thanks for the response!