Next week is my last full week at the APHA office as we are gearing up for the 2008 APHA World Championship Horse Show in Fort Worth. I'm proud to say that for the 2nd time in a row now, that I'm able to help out with the over all promotion for the show. See at the show I'm responsible for streaming the events on the internet for the most part and in addition to those duties, I also update the web with stories and post championship photos online. This is all during the course of our very long 15 day show each year.
But the promotion aspect I'm speaking of is in addition to my regular duties. See I love to take photos and during the course of the show I can be seen running around with my digital camera and snapping away at things that catch my eye. For the past few shows I've submitted these images for a wrap up slide show and those are set to music and played on the final nights of the Youth Show & Open Show. These images are also submitted for our Around The World daily news letter at the show and additional materials that are published after the show is over.
Last year I was happy to see that the 2007 Promo Poster featured a majority of images taken by myself. It's not something that I had expected and its nice to see my work published and used to help promote the breed. At our last World Show Meeting they passed this years Promo Poster around and I noticed some very familiar images and it turns out that I nailed this years Poster and I'm very proud to have provided all of this years images.

The World Show is the one part of my job I like the most. Getting out and seeing some of the people year after year and being close to the horses is something I really enjoy. Its one thing to deal with them digitally through out the year, but it brings it all home to be up close from time to time. I must like it to stick around for my 8th straight show and working the 15 hour days at times for a little over 2 weeks straight. If you happen to be in the area and like horses, then stop on by and see some of the best looking Paint Horse to gather in one location at the same time.
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