Sunday, May 18, 2008

Date Night

This past Friday night was Date Night for my wife and I. What's that you might ask? Well a night out for the adults or at least a few hours out together. We took advantage of the fact that my oldest was at a sleepover with the girl scouts for starters. Then my wife had heard about an hourly day care facility and we dropped off the baby as a test.

Instant alone time and Date Night! Well at least it was a couple hours for just the adults in the family. No screaming and crying and a chance to relax and just be together. It was great, really a nice evening for just us to be together.

Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying I don't like kids. I'm far from that and adore my kids, but it helps to have at least a night ever so often for just us. Fact is lately on family dinners out, the baby has been a holy terror.

Actually my buddy Nate had told me about it and gave me the idea of Date Night. My sister-in-law has had similar issues with their baby for dinners and I've brought up the idea of trading out some baby sitter favors to help facilitate Date Nights.

Not matter how we do it, I'm going to try and see that we do a little more of these from time to time. Plus its good for the kids too and a chance to see family or meet other kids at the day care center. Sounds like a win win if you ask me.

1 comment:

n8 said...

Date Night is one of my most favorite things to do. I get to go out with my HOT wife and no kids. What's not to like?