The Patriots were caught video taping deffensive signals from the Jets coaches. In the end it was more of a slap on the wrist and a fine. I hate cheaters and felt they should have paid more. I actually thought it should have been drastic and they should be out for the season. Yes I can be really hard in that area.
Not the case and so I felt they should have been forced to tell the other team every play they were about to make then. But that wouldn't fly as well and the way to make someone pay is to fine the coach, fine the team, and dock the team a first round draft pick. Whoop Di Doo!
So the Pat's keep playing and run an perfect season and don't loose a single game. They are at the end of the season and face the Wild Card team New York Giants. What a game, Pats are winning most of it, but look bad to me and then the Giants pull it off with only 35 seconds left for the Patriots to try and get it back. Sorry, justice is served at last. You get to think about how you beat everyone, were caught cheating and then denied the glory of winning the Super Bowl. LOL
Thank you New York Giants, I didn't want you to beat my Cowboys, but who better to crash the dreams than a Giant. Way to go and congrats to a great season!
Super Bowl Ads
If you missed the Ads, well head on over to MySpace.Com/Superbowlads and see what you missed. I enjoyed quite a few of these and tomorrow will be the talk around the water cooler on which Ad was a favorite. Just give some praise to the Giants while your at it.
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