Wow, talk about the ultimate in Xmas gifts this year. So I love tech toys and electronic thingies and anyone that really knows me, knows about my past as a DJ and my love of LPs. What's an LP? Do a search on wikipedia and you should find it right away. Back to my story... a cool item found this year was a USB turntable, one that allows you to hook it up to a regular stereo if you like or use the USB plug to connect it to a computer and capture the music and save as an MP3.
This is what I thought I was about to receive, when I peaked inside the box. I should have known though, I mean why would this item not be in its original box. Then I noticed the words on the turntable... Technics 1200... the top of the line in turntables, used by DJ's worldwide and it was the ultra cool black model. I was speechless and never thought I'd own one of these. My wife and my mother & father in-law gave me an awesome gift and it was only the beginning of things to come.
Actually you could say that my Zune30 really started things off. An awesome gift for my anniversary and a real surprise too, my wife is full of surprises. So I set the turntable up and pull out the old dance albums and its great to hear that music again and it feels like forever since I've played them. I've got a lot of tunes to catch up on, with three huge crates of LPs to pick through. But all of those will have to wait, it's time to head to my side of the family for Techmas.
Ever had one of those Christmases that take you totally by surprise? That is what I felt when I opened the gift from my Dad. The UB802, 8 Channel mixer was a pleasant surprise and something I had on my list as a cool item for making Podcasts with my daughter. I really wasn't expecting this at all. So I tell my Dad thanks and said, "I guess you decided to purchase something off the Internet at last?"
"Something?" was his reply, "Have you opened the big box yet?" Not only did he get me the cool mixer, but the really cool MXL 990 microphone as well. I have the perfect setup for a mini podcast studio now. Granted the turntable is huge and not something I'll carry around as easy, but the rest is perfect and I look forward to learning more about Podcasts and doing some shows with my daughter next year.
It was truly a Merry Techmas for me this year. Check back in 2008 when I launch my various Podshows and we'll see how cool the new toys perform. Til then, Happy New Year to you all.
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