Wow, the end is in site. That's right, I'm about to wrap up the whirl wind 15 days of 15 plus hours of streaming, web updates, and taking pictures at the 2007 APHA World Championship Paint Horse Show. This marks my 8th show and the wettest show I've ever had.
So my theme is Reining or Raining for the most part. I would think one of my best Reining shots ever has to be the one your seeing to your left. One of my favorite events at the show, where the exhibitor rides a set pattern that includes sliding stops, a real crowd favorite.
This was the last run for the night in the Junior Reining class and both the rider and horse where on their game for the night and walked away with the win for the 2007 Junior Reining Championship. If you ever make it to a horse show, you have to check out the Reining events.

The one thing for certain, is we wrap up the show on Saturday evening with Freestyle reining a real crowd favorite, where they do patterns, only set to music and with costumes. You can check out the live broadcast from the shows web site and get a better idea.
The thing I don't know about is when this rain will stop. It's been great for my yard to say the least. At the start of the year it looked bad and I thought it would be a mess, but with all the rain, its as green as ever. I do miss riding my motorcycle and I'm looking forward to some clear dry days. I'm also looking forward to get back to a normal schedule and seeing the family again. Thanks for reading and sharing in on my 100th post.
THANK GOODNESS! I'm so glad to see a post that I can understand instead of xblah stuff. :) The reining photo is beautiful! I love the movement of the dirt. I like the other photos as well. APHA is lucky to have you and so am I. love you.
Ahhh, one of my biggest fans. I've got a regular cheering section from my wife and two lovely daughters. Thanks honey.
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