She did so very well in the class and I think she's starting to get excited at the thought of a baby Sister or Brother coming soon. That's right we don't want to find out until the baby arrives and so we're not sure if its a girl or a boy.
My daughter seems to think she'll have a little Sister and we tell her that will be fine, but we also tell her the chance is there that it could be a little Brother and no matter what she'll be a big Sister soon.
So last night she learned the word Sibling and how to help take care of babies and what they do. She learned about diapers and was one of the best at changing the practice baby. She carried the baby around during the hospital tour and had a great time.
It's been great seeing my daughter grow up and I'm really proud at how she's been with the changes leading up to the arrival of her Sibling to the house. Time is starting to pick up and 8 weeks will fly by fast. This week we have our first Daddy & Daughter dance, she has her 2nd season of soccer starting, with me coaching and I'm in another season of indoor soccer myself already. We still have to work on clearing the office out and decorating before the baby arrives.
This is all provided the baby stays on schedule... I better get busy on the baby room.
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