Now this is strange, I've never quite felt like this before and I know its been some years since I've played. My right leg is feeling really tight and the quadricep is beginning to hurt more with each pass and kick. Everyone thinks, I did not stretch and warm up enough. Perhaps I stretched too much?
Great, this is just what I wanted to happen to me. I decided to try and keep working out and deal with the pain. I'm thinking I should have stopped now, but I really wanted to work out and the practice in general was a really good one.
I spent all of yesterday limping like crazy and in pain. Last night was the first night since it happened that I actually felt better. I can now move my knee some what and get around a bit more. I'm still sore and get stiff when I sit for some extended periods of time.
I'll have to see how things go and take each day slowly. The game is at 6:30 pm on Sunday and I'll have to see how I feel come game time. The only thing I can think, is I'm not as young as I use to be and I'll have to watch myself a little closer now.
I seriously do not think it's actually possible to "stretch too much" be fore a game or practice. If you look at pre-game warm-ups for football or soccer for that matter, they stretch out for nearly half an hour. But I feel your pain, too sugar.
Hey, I was looking at your blog-- very cool btw. If your quadriceps are hurting like that, it may be that the muscle is not warm when you stretch OR that you have hamstring troubles. I run and my hamstrings are my weakest muscles. I was told that the quadriceps and hamstrings have to be equally strong or one will be stressed. The two have to be balanced, not one stronger than the other. So if you are having trouble with your quadriceps, be sure your hamstrings are stretched and strengthened as well. You can also do some light running/ moving BEFORE stretching to allow the muscle to be loose enough to stretch without tearing. AND try icing it every hour or so for 15 minutes and see if the pain goes down. All of that worked for me. Good luck...
zinniaz - Thanks for the the compliments and advice on the quads. That's pretty much what everyone has been telling me to do. R.I.C.E. for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate are the treatments. I can say that each morning I get up it feels a little better. Just not sure how it will feel come game time on Sunday evening. Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
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