What is really sad is the build up to all of this and the plain lack of true support to begin with. True support from those who have the legal right to vote to begin with is sad. Looking over the history of past elections as far back as the 60s at least, we've only really managed around a 50% voter turn out each election.
We have a two party system here in the United States and for the most part and the norm is either a Republican or Democrat will take the White House for those four years. Other parties have tried to gather support and in most cases those votes have done nothing morn than steal away from one of these two major parties.
What about that 50% who didn't turn out to vote though? What if those who didn't come out to vote during the election, because they didn't care about one or the other and who like to say instead that "I'm exercising my right to not vote, because I don't support either one of these nominated candidates", came out and voted for a change anyway?
What if a true third party could actually come about in the United States? The Change party perhaps and where people decided to vote for something different and not the lesser of the two supposed evils. The clip above comes from one of my favorite TV shows, The West Wing, and was aired on October 4th, 2000 and is titled In the Shadow of Two Gunnmen: Part I. It sums up what voters should really think and feel when they go out and cast their vote.
I'm not writing this in a protest or saying that I'm against President Obama being our next President, in fact I voted for him in the past two elections. Is he perfect for the job? Nobody is really perfect for the job or has no flaws, but it was my right to vote and it was my selection at those times. In the past elections I've even voted against the two party system and for Change and it more and likely just upset one party over the other in the end.
We now have four more years until we get to do this all again. Four years for someone in the Republican and someone in the Democratic party to gather enough support to become the next candidates. We also have four more years to find that good man or in fact a good woman for this job and they don't really have to be from one or the other parties for a change and just maybe in four more years we'll have more than just a 50-60% voter turnout as well for a change too.