A week without Uverse is almost complete and all is doing fine. I don't want to use the word addiction here, but I have to say that which was very familiar is hard to break away from. I've already thought about searching for a couple things for starters or using the multiview sports channels, only to remember that none of that is available anymore.
Recording shows, only to watch them later is another feature I some what miss, but I've done alright watching them on the web for now. So I don't get to see them on the big TV, but its not like I have to totally be with out a show I like and I do alright on the small PC screen. Later we might see about getting Tivo for the Over The Air broadcasts and I'm sure we'll enjoy those features again.
What's been great is Netflix and having it hooked up with Xbox Live and now available through the Blu-ray player we just purchased. We are finding a number of shows for the whole family to enjoy. We are on the one DVD out at time plan and watch as much as we want On Demand. I'm finding shows I've either missed or new shows to watch now.
We can watch these shows on the Big TV or via the computer if we like. I've even loaded up some kid shows for the TV to stream and watched a 2nd feed of something I'd prefer myself via the home computer, headphones work great for this by the way.
So its not all that bad, just takes some getting use to in the end and we should save some money or at least free up funds to be used in a few other areas. In the end I'm only missing a minor number of shows perhaps and its really not worth the cost in my mind right now.