That's right, its that time of year and
NaNoWriMo is in effect once again. The time is now for all of those aspiring writers and creators out there, with feelings and ideas inside of their heads to tell a story. Get busy and let it all go, release that creative spirit and let it take course.
During the month of November you need to write every day and let what happen come out on paper. Its not about quality as much as quantity and getting a rough draft of a story out. We are shooting for 50,000 words over the next 30 days, that is only 1667 words each day now.
Think of it as about 30 chapters of an epic tale even. You just need to write daily and let something happen. At the end its going to be rough, did I mention it would be rough? Yes it will be rough and the following month you can go back an read and edit if you like.
The following month is for edits, don't edit as you go or you'll bog down an never reach your goal. Get your characters and settings created and let them explore and reveal the story.
Think about it as when you played as a kid and the worlds you created an situations that came up. Believe it or not you were more or less a story teller at that time even and you had a beginning, middle and end to your playtime... well depending on what you played I suppose.
In the end you can do this and its pretty cool to see what can happen after 30 days time. You'll have a rough draft of a story idea for sure and something to go back and write over again.
This is my 3rd year at this in a row and failure is not an option for me. Best of luck to all the others out there who have a story idea and dare to let it come out now.