So I just started reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer this week and its not like anything I've ever read before. With the stories lead character, Isabella Swan or Bella as she prefers to be called and told through her eyes, I've found myself at the start of a suspensful romance that deals with Vampires it seems.

I don't have a hang up with young leading female characters at all, its just I've never found myself reading a romance of sorts before. The story an hype for this saga is suppose to be along that of the next
Harry Potter and is all the rage now. The movie just released at the end of last year and I decided I'd like to give the book a crack befor watching the film. Something a few of my friends know about is my preference to read the book an then see the film, followed by complaints of they cut what out of the book an how dare they do that.
Now I've got a real challenge ahead, to stick with this book til the end and finding myself inside the head of Isabella or Bella as she progresses through this story. I have to say in the short bit of reading I've done so far, its very true that men and women are different on so many levels.
With just the smallest parts of this book, its made me think and look at things that female characters do compared to those of a male character. I've just scratched the begining of this tale and I wonder what all is in store.
I have seen a trailer for the film and look I forward to reading a bit more of the action parts for sure. The romance stuff I'm not sure about though at all. Regardless, I'm determined to finish the book now and learn more about all of these characters.