Friday, December 04, 2009
What is Google Wave?
Its new from Google and a bit different for sure. Sure this is more an likely not meant for everyone to use an try. Its not going to replace e-mails at all. But for a planning tool, this could be worth a try and come in handy if a whole team is using it.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Ready, set, write now...

That's right, its that time of year and NaNoWriMo is in effect once again. The time is now for all of those aspiring writers and creators out there, with feelings and ideas inside of their heads to tell a story. Get busy and let it all go, release that creative spirit and let it take course.
During the month of November you need to write every day and let what happen come out on paper. Its not about quality as much as quantity and getting a rough draft of a story out. We are shooting for 50,000 words over the next 30 days, that is only 1667 words each day now.
Think of it as about 30 chapters of an epic tale even. You just need to write daily and let something happen. At the end its going to be rough, did I mention it would be rough? Yes it will be rough and the following month you can go back an read and edit if you like.
The following month is for edits, don't edit as you go or you'll bog down an never reach your goal. Get your characters and settings created and let them explore and reveal the story.
Think about it as when you played as a kid and the worlds you created an situations that came up. Believe it or not you were more or less a story teller at that time even and you had a beginning, middle and end to your playtime... well depending on what you played I suppose.
In the end you can do this and its pretty cool to see what can happen after 30 days time. You'll have a rough draft of a story idea for sure and something to go back and write over again.
This is my 3rd year at this in a row and failure is not an option for me. Best of luck to all the others out there who have a story idea and dare to let it come out now.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Art imitates life... you hearing me?

Anyway, after watching it, I thought it appeared to have been based on real life events. In fact its sets in the sixties and turns out to be loosely based on a ship that broadcast under the name Radio Caroline.
Reading up on this movie led me to the web site for Radio Caroline and I began to really learn some of the facts that the movie was based on. What is really cool is that this very old Broadcast Channel is still on the air today and playing some really good tunes.
In this day where things tend to be mainly All Talk and our Media moves at a very fast pace, its refreshing to find a station that reminds me of the older days of spinning just music in most cases and then hearing a DJ come on an talk a little bit about whats being played.
It just happens to be a plus for me to hear some British accents from the DJ. I grew up on the format of most of these old Classic rock songs. I think I've found a new Internet Live Stream to listen to from time to time at least and I'm looking forward to the movie and learning more about the real life events surrounding Radio Caroline.
Here's a trailer for the upcoming movie Pirate Radio.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Narrative

Perhaps one of the oldest forms of communication and entertainment of all time is the Narrative. The art of story telling can be traced as far back as the Cave drawings in some cases. The recording of these thoughts & ideas can tell both a story and provide a history for us to learn or be entertained by.
Fact is the Narrative can be seen in works of writing, speech, poetry, prose, pictures, song, motion pictures, theatre, dance, and even video games. All of these forms have a common thread and end result, the telling of a story and hopefully something that can be moving and entertaining in the end.
Why do I write all of this, well its that time again for many of us that lover taking part in this form of Communication for starters. NaNoWriMo is a few weeks away and people all over will strive to create a new story for the first time or perhaps once again in my case then.
Some of us might actually enjoy the end results and experiencing the finished Narrative, but on the other hand some of us like to provide the Narrative and tell a story on the other hand.
OK, I'm in no way looking to quit my day job, yet at the same time I not only have a passion for experiencing all forms of Narratives, I'm actually feeling like creating some, at least for myself in the end.
This will actually be my third NaNoWriMo in a row and I can say that I've safely created and completed the first two. NaNoWriMo is the creation of a 50,000 word Novel, a rough draft of a Narrative in the end. Someday I'd like to perhaps go back and rework them all and polish them up and perhaps even have them printed in a very limited run or one copy each even.
In the end I can feel good about the process and feel I have a better appreciation of the art form and what it takes to create a work. Wish me luck and I do the same to all those that take up the challenge in creating a Narrative as well.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I know how the support guy feels
This one is a hoot for sure. If you've ever had to do any Tech Support for someone, then you more and likely understand what is going on here.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Uverse with HDMI and TOSlink for the Win

A recent update from Uverse has done more than just making things look pretty, we now can hear everything as it should be. A little over a week ago I noticed the Aspect ratio on my TV was off and when I went to investigate or reset things, I noticed the menus had been updated.
I thought to myself, they had to have done more than give us a different feel for the guide areas. I've been busy with a horse show and haven't had much time to watch anything by the time I make it home. But this last week of the show I've made it home earlier and last night I was able to test out some things.
I made sure my Aspect Ratio was correct and enabled the Dolby Audio under the preferences for Uverse. My set is connected with HDMI and I have a TOSlink running to my faithful Sony Receiver for my audio needs.
Last night I watched Underworld: Evolution in HD off the FXHD channel and the audio was solid and never dropped. Its only taken them almost a year to fix the audio problems we use to have. I think we will enjoy a lot more shows with this problem behind us now.
The big claim from Uverse is to give the best digital entertainment experience and for me audio is a big part. Most of the techs seemed to think HDMI was not the way to go an it also sounded like a number of users did not use TOSlink for Dolby 5.1 sound as well.
Finally a fix has come down and things are like they are suppose to be. In addition to the audio fix, the update also added features to set recordings from any set top box as well as delete recordings from those boxes; another plus in my eyes and I no longer have to run back to the living room and remember which shows I watched to delete them.
If you've been on the fence about Uverse or heard about some of their issues, you might take another look and find the service is finally as good as its suppose to have been.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
I've been Tagged Now

I created the Tag with Microsoft's Tag program and they allow you to create your own Tags for either a URL, Free Text, vCard, or a Dialer and as long as your phone can run the Tag Reader software, you can then access the information being provided by the tag.
I'm amazed that they can come up with enough combinations and placements of the color dots, as well as allow you to add an image in the back ground or even trick out that tag to not even look like the dots all together. Pretty slick process if you ask me and I think I'll have fun creating some additional tags as well as looking for them while I'm out and about now.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What's that in your PockeTwit there?

If you haven't heard about Twitter, well I'm really not sure where you've been lately. Fact is Social Marketing is growing by leaps and bounds and Twitter is one of the popular ones by far. Known as micro blogging to most of us, Twitter allows you to post messages of 140 characters about things your doing or thinking about.

I've already had to rethink my phone usage and found out with a major shock, that my charges for Data were out the roof. Seems a lot of text messages and updates to an from Twitter can really add up.
So I know have a text plan for the phone that should work out better and I've added a nice package for Internet Data usage as well. By far this is a lot cheaper than what was happening and I didn't really like it when Customer Service said, "You would have had an outrageous bill at the end of the month."
In closing, the one thing my phone doesn't have is Wi-fi, but other than that feature, I'm really pleased with the features and performance of my new PDA phone.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Finally a phone I think I'll love

This phone has been available from Verizon for about a year now and they've recently slashed their price on this PDA model. More and likely making way for some newer models that have more features, but at those higher prices.
It's the high prices that have kept me from a PDA phone for so many years now. I can look back at all the previous PDA style phones that I wanted and some are very much beasts and perhaps I can be thankful that I stuck to my guns an refused to pay those high prices.
So why now and why this phone particular phone an not an iPhone? Well the features and price say a lot for me. For one thing, this is a Windows Mobile phone, a hand held mini PC really. I can actually learn a bit more with Visual Studio 2008 pro and make some Mobile Applications to run on my hand held mini PC.
The PDA Phone comes with Windows Mobile 6.1, mini versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, the Adobe PDF reader, the ability to sync up with Outlook and take my schedules with me, and Internet Explorer for web access. These are a lot of features and programs I use on a regular basis with my PC. With the latest 6.1 update comes the expaned memory, allowing a 16gig MiniSD Card to be used for storage.
The price for this phone is currently set at $69.99 (while supplies last) from Verizon and my upgraded price for agreeing to another 2yrs, lands my new phone for only $19.99, a "No-brainer" as I like to say. The other plus is I don't have to pay for full blown Internet really. I can pay per kb used and so if I don't use the Internet a lot, I'll save at that point.
Most of the times I've looked at other PDA phones, the only deals were for the new customers and they forced you to pay about $40 a month for Internet. So I was looking at about $300 or more for the phone and a hefty Internet charge. Not the case this time around though.
I do give much praise to the iPhone and if money was not an issue, I could more an likely see something myself using something like the iPhone. But I think I can still have as much of a Cool & Wow factor from the XV6900 PDA Phone and well under the price tag.
I guess I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and at least this was not a phone that was sold out like many of the others in the past. So I'll finally have that PDA phone combo I've dreamed about... ok, I haven't dreamed about it, but I've thought long an hard over the past years about it.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Doing the Dew Diet style

Its a pretty cool thing and we get to simpy speak about the product and tell what we feel about it. So we can say if we love it or hate it pretty much. When we share our views, we also like to have those we expose give their honest feedback as well.
The first campaign I'm working with is Diet Mountain Dew. I have to say I'm rather surprised at the taste of Diet Mountain Dew and I've been sharring this with some of friends recently. Some of them like it and some don't, but for me I didn't find a really strong after taste, like I thought would come with diet drinks.
As far as a pick me up drink, I think it had the right amount and I skipped having coffee this morning and went with the Diet Dew only. I've had some energy drinks in the past that had more of an after taste than Diet Mountain Dew.
I'm not a normal drinker of Mountain Dew and the only other flavor I've really tried was Game Fuel and that was tied to the Halo 3 campaign. I prefer the taste of Diet Mountain Dew over Game Fuel. Well if you've never tried it, then I suggest you giving it a try and enjoy the fact it has no calories and is low in sodium too.
If you like visit ChatThreads.Com and use the id: 101-683-462882 as well to give your feed back on Diet Mountain Dew. Also check out BzzAgent.Com if your intrested in joining and getting in to all the Bzz as well.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
What a sweet ride
The 2009 BMW K1300 S is the latest on two wheels from BMW Motorcycles and looks like a very nice ride. Take a look at my next dream machine through the following video clip someone put together. I think I need to see about test riding one of these babies soon, but until then... I'll just have to dream.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Visiting Don's Barber Shop

I wanted to visit the small white building near my parents home and remember some of the good times I had with Dad. The thing about a place like Don's is its filled with a lot of old memories and the many years of people coming and going. His business is slowing down a bit and he's seen loyal customers pass away or move out of the area.
I stepped into the shop and the older gentleman was just about done with his haircut and only one more ahead of me. It turned out that the other man was the son of the man getting the haircut and his mother sat in the shop with them. That's what I call some loyal patrons.
It's quite a different experience to visit an old Barber Shop such as this. Now days things are very busy and you have various chains all over to get a haircut. But at a place like Don's, you get to sit a while and hear some old stories, perhaps a joke or two, and even learn a bit about the old days.
Its not fancy at all and I'm sure my Dad felt quite at home visiting with Don and he was very pleased with not only the style of haircut but the price too. I myself hope Don continues to do well and I might even pop in to his place from time to time for other haircuts.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The end of one's Journey

He still had his wit, joking and smiling as he liked to normally do, but I feel he knew all to well that he wasn't feeling very well. He asked about everyone and always seemed to know what was going on in our lives. We talked for a while and I asked him to try and get better and to let me know if he would like me to visit again soon. He simply smiled an said, "Very much so... I always want to see my boys."
I didn't say goodbye when I left him, only I'll see you later Dad and I was happy with our visit. I had no clue that the path had changed before me and I myself was on a different journey now. The journey is in no way mine alone and in fact my whole family is taking the same journey, only slightly different paths for each of us, but with the same destination ahead.
My Dad didn't take the easy routes in his life, but he would still remind all of us which routes would be better to take. I don't have to worry about any of the troubles he had along his journey anymore, he's gone on to a better place, has no more pain, and he can finally rest in peace now.
This journey was not one I was prepared for really, but I knew it was one I would have to take someday soon. I just never expected it to be so very soon. Just like that visit last night, I'm not looking at this as a goodbye now, rather I'll see you later and its time for him to rest until then. I'll miss seeing you Dad and I'll focus on our fond memories and the times we had together until then.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. - Proverbs 3: 5-6
Sunday, March 15, 2009
From Russia With Love... Baby!

The thing I noticed off the bat was how much it looks like the movie Austin Powers took from this movie. I kept wondering if Mike Myers would walk out on the set and say, "are you Randy Baby?"
One thing for sure is they didn't forget that Bond likes the ladies. The film had a couple rather dark scenes and other than the silly Assassins Training camp part, I enjoyed most of this movie.
The next movie on my list will be the third film in the series and for Sean Connery with Goldfinger. I have a feeling I'm going to find more similarities here with Austin Powers Goldmember.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
James and the Bond Girls

Encore VOD now has 17 Bond films available to watch and I've decided to start off with Dr. No, being the first in the long series of films. Its fun to go back and watch these old films and see how far things have now come.
With very simple effects and the acting being a bit silly in some parts, its still entertaining to watch these. When Bond arrives on the island and is captured by Dr. No, I just had to laugh at some of the costumes and set designs they built for this film. In the end it would be James getting the girl, after he finished getting his man and saving the world of course.
I think it will be fun to watch the rest of these and see how far Sean Connery actually helps in bringing the character of James Bond to life on the screen. For me I've always found Sean Connery's portryal of the character to be my favorite of all the James Bond films.
Perhaps that is why other actors have wanted to play the role of James Bond and have their shot at saving the world and getting the girl. I'm sure the same can be said for the leading ladies and a chance at becoming the next Bond Girl.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
We're on top of things

The goal is to not fall out of these things and actually get some sleep. The real goal for us is to get the younger child to start sleeping in her own bed for us.
Perhaps sharring a room with big sister might help us with this. I'm sure its going to be a challenge and hopefully my oldest will adjust and get the sleep she needs. For one, she is going to school and she'll be hating things if shes tired.
In addition to this change, we are taking Guest room and turning it in the a Play room, perhaps that will mean all toys will stay in that room and not scattered around the house. Yes, things always look good down on paper, but we can dream and have a plan at least.
The time is now, reclaim the house and certain rooms for ourselves. Draw the boundries and lines and at least provide them with reasons they'll feel and enjoy their new surroundings as well. Hopefully they'll be fine sharring a room for awhile. At least long enough to get the little one sleeping on her own.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
That girl is really Fly

Friday, February 06, 2009
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Now I've got a real challenge ahead, to stick with this book til the end and finding myself inside the head of Isabella or Bella as she progresses through this story. I have to say in the short bit of reading I've done so far, its very true that men and women are different on so many levels.
With just the smallest parts of this book, its made me think and look at things that female characters do compared to those of a male character. I've just scratched the begining of this tale and I wonder what all is in store.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Lets play Fetch now...
Well I heard about this story and didn't think much about it at the time. Mistakes are made and it just happened to be Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper's turn while working at NASA. See a tool bag worth $100,000 accidentally got away from her. Opps! Well her co-spacewalk partner Stephen Bowen at least takes some of the blame here, he was the one who packed the tool bags before leaving on the EVA. Just watch the clip to see how slow you can loose $100,000.
Now what caused me to think more about this was hearing that an Amateur Astronomer, Kevin Fetter of Brockville, Ontario has used his basic knowledge and skills to pin point and now track the tool bag as it moves around Earth. You can see the quick fly by in this clip with the bag streaking from the top right to bottom left.So what I don't understand is why these things cost so much, but why don't the take that shuttle and rescue the thing. Seems we would have the ability to fire off the engines a bit, get in front of the bag, rotate a bit and open those big bay doors and let it float back inside. Or can we afford to just drop $100,000 like that? Sure seems like it would be a nice little exercise on recovering something from space.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Benediction at Obama's Inauguration
I think that Rev. Joseph Lowery's benediction was the perfect closing to the events for Obama's Inauguration. I watched a lot of the events through out the day while at work and sadly missed this portion of the event.
Thankfully my wife saw it and told me about it, I found this clip on the web to share with you all. It's not every day you see History in the making and today was one of those days. I'm glad I was able to see parts of it at least.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Last Templar
Here is a video preview of the upcoming mini series, in case anyone else is interested in this. I think I might see if my library has the book an pick it up. Might need to do some power reading.