Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Carols for all
One of my all time faves is the original from the Waitresses, but I had a bit of trouble finding one from them to share here and went with this clip from the Spice Girls. Here is Christmas Medley for you Live.
The last song comes from the movie Love Actually, if you remember this little tune from the movie. This one was a real treat to watch and reminded me of some of the old music videos I grew up watching. Here is Christmas is all Around.
Well I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and at the very least a nice break for a few days. I'll see you all over the weekend now.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Look on the Bright Side
I think I've been stressed out a bit, its to be expected with the possible layoffs at work. Some of my co-workers have told me to just remain positive and not to worry, what happens will happen and roll with the punches so to speak. I know the support of my family is there as well and I'm doing the best I can to take everything to heart from their messages.
Here is another little clip from The Meaning of Life and the Monty Python players. With all the things going on these days, I think we just need a little chuckle from time to time. So even if it pushes things to the limits a bit here, I have to say that the simple words of this song could be very appropriate with all that has been going on recently. So if your feeling a bit down, then look to the Bright Side and give a whistle!
I'm going to try and come up with a few more clips to help express my thoughts of lately, so check back later this week.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Where's George when we need him?

I think it means more to me this year than any year to watch this film. I can't think of a time in my life that I've seen things as bad as they are. I remember the gas shortage on the news, but I've never seen so many people being laid off or heard of bail outs like we are seeing now.
I have my job for now, but the questions of how long I'll have it remain to be told. I've never planned on leaving it and I might not have a choice. What I can say is I'm thankful to have it and want to keep it. Tough times are ahead for us though and in the end, I know I have the support of family and friends.
Perhaps we all could use a George Bailey in our lives these days. I hope you'll enjoy this little clip and I have a few more to share over the next few days.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
More cutbacks all around

Well more cuts were needed at work all around, in order to get the budget closer to Zero for the year. That meant a few more people were laid off at work as well as some programs being slashed as well.
Its a totally different working environment now these days. We lost about 10 people and some have gone to a contract position and working off site. It was also decided that our 2008 profit sharing would not be made, as well as 2009. They've also eliminated our 2009 401k matching benefits and last will be no salary raises for 2009.
Everyone wonders what will be next, will the the health insurance go away? Its a given that changes are coming over the next year, but how many more changes are we looking at ahead now? What will these changes do for everyone in 2009?
When my manager gave me an office memo and said, "Here is your salary reduction notice." I simply smiled and said, "I prefer to look at this paper and think, I still have a job now!" The truth is I can do what I can and handle these decisions for now. I'd rather have my job and these cuts than be laid off.
All of this has caused us to look at ways to slash spending on our home front. We've targeted a few areas and will continue to look at ways to save some money at home. I can feel some what safe at work now, but truth is it doesn't matter how loyal I am to my job, they might not be loyal to me anymore.
I might have to start looking at options for other jobs. I'm going to do what I can to help and make things better at work, but I have to keep in mind my family and future comes first and some changes might not be in line with those needs.
One thing is for sure, I don't see any bailout coming our way. It's up to all of us to bail ourselves out. I'm thankful to have my job and sad for all of those that lost theirs out there. Hopefully they'll bounce back soon and to better things.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Cutbacks have begun

So we headed into the weekend knowing that Cutbacks would be coming and it was even mentioned that some cuts could come before the Executive Committee comes into town to meet.
So yesterday Texas Workforce was asked to come out and speak to us and let us know what services were available if we found our self laid off. That brings us to today and my departments lost one team member.
By the time the day was over 7 people were let go from various departments and a lot of them I thought of as friends. Its been tough wondering what might happen and the fact is more could be coming still. Nobody knows what might happen during or after the EC meets.
It reminds me of an article I read over the weekend about being laid off. See in a lot of cases, its not just a job and we spend a lot of time with our co-workers and become close friends and in someways a family. That's what makes this hard to have to say goodbye to someone.
The fact is business is not as good as it was and change is needed to help the situation. Doesn't make it easier to tell someone your being let go. I can only hope the best for all of them and continue to hope that I will still have a job too.
Its just a bad time of year for something like this to happen. Really sucks to think its happening everywhere too. My mother lost her job a couple months back and I've heard of others loosing their jobs and now its hit close to home it seems.
For now I have to take it one day at a time, I know I have plenty to work on and look forward to working on my projects. I just hope to continue doing so.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Just hold out an empty hand

So banks are hurting and they decide to give them money and make the pain go away. What did they do with the money? They put it in their banks like good bankers do.
Then comes the Auto makers and their pains. Throw some money at them and quick, its will solve everything. Don't make them sell those fancy jets they use to fly all over the place. Need to fix it quick though, if they fall then all the businesses that support them will fall next. I say we go back to riding on Horses.
Money can be hard for just about everyone. The price of gas was horible months back and now its back to and I hate to say this, normal again. Crazy when you pay almost $4 a gallon and then can go back to $2 a gallon, rocking good if you ask me. Time to start spending money I'm saving, yeah right!
So now the buzz is people feel the Government needs to give everyone this huge stimulus and allow us to pay off our homes. I say, here's my hand give it to me and I'll do that in a heart beat, after all everyone needs a Bailout right?