It's the early spring of 2014 and the Ghosts of Company C prepare for another mission and I'm embedded along with the unit on a very rare opportunity, to observe & report back on the recent rebel threats along the 1,900 miles long completed wall of the U.S./Mexico border.
The small three man team of Company C is made up of
Coondy, Double Bead, & Major Chaos and they have been working together since the beginning of the year on recon in Mexico.
Coondy takes the lead and suggests the plan of action for the Op and we drop into the Hot Zone.
I'm following along with Major Chaos, who provides support for both
Coondy & Double Bead as well as keeping me alive and we quickly take out engaging
hostiles. The sudden bursts of rapid fire grow from over the hill as we approach and Chaos lobs three Grenades and a series of explosions help
Coondy & Double Bead take out the
hostiles. Company C works well together and takes out their targets and completes their mission.
It's a job well done and we make our way back home and to safety on the other side of the wall. I can't go into any of the specifics for the mission, but I can say that things on the other side of the wall are very hot and I'm glad that the Ghosts are on the job.
After a short rest, I follow Company C in some 3 on 3 training missions against another Ghost company. The exercise is for the groups to work on their tactics against each other. Its a series of fast paced rounds where both sides take each other out. Once tagged you move back and then work to get back to your unit and engage the enemy again.
I finally say goodbye to Coody & Double Bead and that's when Chaos decides its time to for me to see what its really like to become a Ghost and puts me through some basic training. I learn quickly how the HUD system works and move out learning how to take cover first. They give me a couple small targets to take out and then its time for me to put some of my training to work.
Hostiles are near the area and they need me to take them out. I move around the corner and see two of them as they turn and take notice of me. Amazing how time feels like it stops, as we face each other and then bullets begin to zip by and I take on fire. Cover... that is what I was suppose to be doing as I raise my weapon and take out one and then the other.
Over the com I'm reminded that my score will go down for taking on fire. In a real OP, I'd be dead! I complete the mission and I'm told that I'm unfit and need more training. I tell Chaos thanks for keeping me a live and showing me what its like to become a Ghost, its time for the long trek back home now.